The Artist’s Way: Final Thoughts

I embarked on the 12-week course of The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron with hope and an open mind.

Week 1: I was excited. I read blogs about others experiencing transformations.

Week 2: I felt like I was doing it all wrong.

Week 3: I was ready to quit!

Week 4: I disliked the experience and what was showing up in my Morning Pages.

Week 5: I was running out of ideas for my solo Artist Dates on a budget.

Week 6: Still struggling.

Week 7: Struggling and not inspired at all.

Weeks 8-12: I gradually stopped doing the Morning Pages every day, only writing when I remembered or felt the need to clear my head.

Did I waste my time?

Throughout the 12 weeks, I kept asking myself if I was wasting my time with the Morning Pages. I had no idea what to expect, but the experience for me was not good. I felt more depressed than before. I hated the weekly Solo Dates and preferred doing them bi-weekly.

The Morning Pages became my “Dark Morning Pages,” which I wrote a blog about. I couldn’t wait for the 12 weeks to be over.

In the shower last night, I asked myself if I would do this again and if I would recommend The Artist’s Way to anyone.

The answer is absolutely yes!

The reason I hated the book so much was that it was annoying to see my excuses written out in the Morning Pages. Eventually, as I struggled with my own demons, I got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

Overall, some things did happen as a result of doing The Artist’s Way. I ended up overcoming my fear of starting a podcast. I made my first recording a few days ago, and today, I made the final edit for publication on YouTube.

It wasn’t the magical experience I was hoping for, but I learned a great deal about my mental blocks and now have a desire to paint, something I have never done before.

The Artist’s Way is a journey with yourself, one that can feel lonely and quite scary at times. If you decide to embark on the 12-week journey, do it with an open mind and try to find compassion for yourself along the way.

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